Osborne & Co.

1843 - 1845
First known mention of Osborne & Co., was in the 'New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator' in February 1843, with the following insertion:-


To Merchants, Storekeepers, Publicans and others...

I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I will not be answerable for any debts that may be contracted by SOPHIA MARSHALL, as she has absconded from her home, and is now living with Osborne and Co., the Ginger Pop Manufacturer.


Witness, David Thomas.

Wellington, February 10, 1843.

To which J. Osborne replied on February 18th 1843:-

To the Editor of the "New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator"

Sir, Having seen an advertisement in your paper of Saturday, 11th instant, which has thrown some aspirations on me, permit me, Mr. Editor, through the same medium, to reply to this unwarrantable attack on my character…I beg leave to assure him (Mr Marshall) that, in my humble opinion, I only produce goods for market which bring me an honourable return.

By way of complimenting him, I should be happy to receive his receipt for preparing bottled ale.

J. Osborne.

John Osborne continued his business until at least 1845 by which time he was listed as a ginger beer maker in a jury list published by the 'New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian' in February, with Pipitea given as his address.

No further records have been found which associate Osborne with the soft drink industry.

No user-marked bottles from this company are known to exist.
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