G. Clark

1856 - 1857
George Clarke purchased machinery capable of producing aerated water from C. & F. Barraud in October 1856. An advertisement in 'The New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian' and 'Wellington Independent' on October 29, 1856 read as follows:

GEORGE CLARKE begs to inform the Inhabitants of Wellington and its vicinity that he has commenced business as a Manufacturer of Soda Water, Lemonade, and Ginger Beer, having purchased the Engine lately in the use of C. & F. Barraud.

As he intends devoting all his time and attention to the business, he trusts that he shall receive the support which they have enjoyed.

October 22, 1856.

Clarke carried on the business from Barraud's premises for a short period, but sold the plant back to the Barraud's in late September 1857 at which point it was advertised for sale again.

George Clarke was described as a ginger beer maker in an 1857 jury list, however by February 1858 he was listed in a similar listing as a settler, suggesting he has retired from the aerated water industry.

No user-marked bottles from this company are known to exist.

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